Morning pages
I don’t write when I’m working through tough shit
I also pick up pen and paper to make sense of and process
always both and
I have to be open to seeing it from all the angles while also trudging through one step at a time
to be in my heart and soul not my mind
I know to write is a part of my purpose and I choose to remain quiet
playing with paint is a great place to practice the art of freedom to be applied to human life
in the beginning we need an almost constant reminder to lean into ease and to allow
that there are no rules, no one is evaluating, measuring, perceiving and chastising
simply creating. freedom can be found there
its in the seeing of the noise that I am eventually able to remember I am the awareness above it and behind it
I am the noise and much more
I asked for the lesson and then I negotiated with it when it arrived
as I pull back the focus and hang out in the void a smile creeps over my face
sweet sigh thank you