the join up
I remember distinctly the sensation the first time I connected to Self was the same connection I once knew between horse and rider.
Monty Roberts was a famous-ish horse trainer when I was growing up and riding (there might’ve been controversy about him and it’s unwise for me to reference, I don’t know…irrelevant to what I’m saying so I will go on). He had a method of working with the horse that was radical and new agie at the time, in that it wasn’t about ‘breaking’ the horse into submission. It was about relationship, communication, and connection. It was about sensing and wielding loving energy (my interpretation).
I remember moving back and forth with my horse
me moving toward him, then walking away, him moving toward me, finding our way to walk beside one another
together we would be
shoulder to shoulder.
power shifting back and forth between us until we found a new equilibrium
a brand new colour of a new whole.
If you pay close attention when this happens you can feel it.
its like petting a dolphin.
what a privilege to know the magic of a powerful animal in that way
I shake my head with amazement and awe.
there is a distinct sameness for me between the ‘join up’ with my horse to when first, and since, I joined up with awareness of Self.
I felt that same jshucsh….the schoop…pffft…there is no word.
that feeling of the syncing up with something big and something magical
syncing up with self
its closer than you think
close your eyes
you’re right here.