What if we change the conversation?

What if we stop thinking and talking about the vaccine for a moment?

Just pause. and breath.

What if we were to observe the content and language we use in our minds and in our conversations?

Is it constructive or destructive? Are the words we choose about ourselves or others mean or kind?

Are our thoughts and words coming from a fear-based place eliciting a fight or flight response or are our thoughts consumed by calm, inspired and loving language?

What if we were to pause, look around and see that we are continuing an archaic and obtuse human pattern of thousands of years of power imbalance, conflict, violence and systemic oppression - what if we were to pause and consider another way of looking at things and organizing ourselves?

What about more people considering that a global pandemic like Covid-19 might be easier to respond to, or prevent altogether, if we had a healthy, homeostatic, balanced relationship with our Earth with clear air for our mutual respiration? What if we looked at ourselves as one big organism and we were honest with ourselves about the degree to which we are toxifying our eco-system with our thoughts and language (let alone our pesticides)? What if we focused our dialogue further up the river of wellness and prevention? We’d all be environmentalists and our conversations would look very different. We would feel very different.

Evidence tells us there is a direct correlation between adverse childhood experiences and the likelihood of mental health diagnoses, addiction and other chronic conditions in adult life. What if we invested our resources into preventing these adverse childhood experiences in the first place, healing traumas and facilitating wholeness, authenticity and connectedness? This would in turn lead to healthy communities and strong economies.

What if we use this vaccine conversation and the feelings it elicits in each of us as trailheads indicating opportunities to heal ourselves internally as individuals? What if we all were able to gain the self awareness to be able to identify, reflect, process and transmute the fear or anger we feel through practices of meditation, movement, connecting with nature, therapy, etc.?

What if we all were able to heal our hearts and come from a place of love and unity - how would that shift our current state and our collective consciousness?

Right now, at this point in human evolution, it looks like we are currently fighting at a developmental stage of toddlerhood and we have the opportunity to level up and shift collectively into emotional maturity. There is no more need to fight. Our choice is to change our lens and our language and apply new and different skills and strategies. Our individual mind-body-spirit organism is connected to the organism that is our community, connected to our region, our county and our world. We are all one. As each individual heart heals as does the whole.

What if we change the conversation to something like John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ and see what those possibilities look like? What if that’s what we talked about and aimed to solve together?


Following my heart.


the Big Quit