what are we going to do about it?

So…this movie everyone is talking about. Do you see this is an opportunity to respond differently?

This is another perfect opportunity for us to change things up.

No matter what the divisive fear-based narrative. Whether is is planes flying into tall buildings, a pandemic, or wars and genocide. It’s the same assignment.

Get still. Re-join the moment. Get quiet. Connect to the Love within you. You may need to learn self regulation, heal and re-integrate lost parts. You may need to be deliberate about feeling the fear that comes up.

To really feel it. Drop the narrative and any assigned meaning or storyline. Just feel it.

And then find your Centre once again.

Connect with the loving awareness that is in front, behind, above, beneath, and all around,

infused in all that is. Align with Love.

If you use your voice, spread a message of Love.

Let go of the noise and the propaganda. See it for what it is, and then place your awareness and attention on amplifying the love.

That’s our assignment.

It’s time.


You wouldn’t know.


water finds its level