I am

Kelly Robinson

A mom

A daughter, a sister, a friend.

A coach, writer, advocate, facilitator, leader, community member and builder.

A work in progress. I am flawed and imperfect.

I am meant to listen and to explore with curiosity.

My background is social work, that perspective of 'person in environment' informs my approach and my worldview.  I’ve spent the last twenty-five professional years working with individuals, groups and leading teams.

My professional experience has provided a strong foundation enabling this dream to come to fruition (and can be found on Linked in). My career has been rich with opportunities allowing me to contribute to effecting change at individual, organizational and system levels. This experience has highlighted for me that the structures on which our systems are built are ineffective and require deconstruction and regeneration. The intent of this space is to to try to to improve our circumstance and to regenerate in more creative ways.

My hobby over the past twenty-five years has been the research and practice of how to make the best of this human experience.  From individual therapy using various modalities like EMDR and Somatic Experience, to my layman's study of quantum physics. My experience is that the energy of things has a significant impact on our mental, emotional and behavioural wellness.

I believe our spiritual aspect of self is an equally important component to our bio-psycho-social picture and that wellness includes creating a harmonic balance between our body and mind. I believe this balance allows for the connection to our true essence and real inner peace. 

Added to my perspective is lived experience.  I know the dark stuff like fear, shame and grief and I also know the feelings of love, peace and ease.  I have developed the skills to navigate the cycles of expansion and contraction. I know healing is possible. 

I have noted some of the art and science of what’s worked for me in my growth and  I have tips and tricks that might be useful for others.

I have a long term vision of building a retreat and a community of helpers.   A safe space for people to be with the trees and beside the water.  The atmosphere is reminiscent of summer camp, with as much structure or freedom as people desire.  My intent is to start with this virtual space first and then to follow the connections to actualizing the retreat vision.

I am excited to see how this vision unfolds!




The Space Between